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Pulmonary Stenosis


肺狭窄是指调节右心室向肺供血的肺动脉瓣变窄. 这种变窄可能会迫使心脏更用力地泵血以将血液输送到肺部,从而导致心脏增大.

The heart consists of four chambers. The two upper chambers, called atria, 血液从哪里进入心脏和两个下腔, called ventricles, where blood is pumped out of the heart. 腔室之间的流动由一组充当单向门的阀门控制.

血液从心脏的右侧通过肺动脉瓣向上泵入肺动脉,最终到达肺部, where the blood is filled with oxygen. 血液从肺部回流到左心房和左心室. 新的含氧血液通过另一条叫做主动脉的大血管输送到身体的其他部位.

肺动脉瓣有三个小叶或瓣,用于打开和关闭瓣膜. 当瓣膜没有完全打开并阻碍血液流动时,就会发生狭窄. 由于瓣膜只有一个或两个小叶变形,可能会发生狭窄, or because the leaflets are stuck together.

Our Approach to Pulmonary Stenosis

UCSF provides comprehensive, 对患有心脏缺陷(如肺狭窄)的成年人进行高度专业化的护理. 我们专业的专家团队提供广泛的服务, including thorough medical evaluations, advanced treatments, long-term monitoring, and personalized recommendations on diet, exercise, psychosocial support and family planning.

外科十大赌博平台排行榜可以使用一种叫做球囊瓣膜成形术的微创手术来修复这个缺陷. During this procedure, the physician uses a thin, 在狭窄的阀门内放置和充气气球的软管, stretching it open, then deflates and withdraws the balloon. Balloon valvuloplasty is usually successful. However, 严重肺狭窄的成年人通常需要完全更换瓣膜, with either a manufactured valve or an animal valve.

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    Among the top hospitals in the nation

  • One of the nation's best in cardiology and heart & vascular surgery

Signs & symptoms

People with pulmonary stenosis often have no symptoms. 但是,如果病情严重,症状可能包括:

  • Turning blue, called cyanosis
  • Rapid breathing
  • Fainting
  • Low energy


Because there may be no obvious symptoms, 肺动脉狭窄的第一个征象通常是心脏杂音, an extra sound heard during a chest examination. Pulmonary stenosis evaluation includes:

  • 记录心脏电活动的心电图(EKG或ECG)
  • Chest X-ray to see the heart's size
  • 超声心动图,这是一种对心脏的超声检查
  • 运动测试,测量当你运动时心脏能给肌肉提供多少氧气


Severity determines treatment. 梗阻非常轻微且无症状的患者可能不需要治疗. 对于其他人,肺狭窄可能需要通过称为瓣膜成形术的程序来治疗. 这个手术是微创的,这意味着它只需要一个小切口. 更严重的问题可能需要进行心脏直视手术,这是一个大手术.

儿童和成人的肺瓣仍有弹性,可采用球囊瓣膜成形术, 一种非手术的方法,其中导管-一根细的, flexible, 塑料管——从腿部通过血管插入心脏. 导管末端的球囊插入瓣膜狭窄的开口,然后充气拉伸瓣膜开口并分离瓣膜小叶. This is usually very successful and permanent. If, however, the valve is unusually thick, 然后气囊手术不太可能成功,外科十大赌博平台排行榜将不得不用手术刀打开瓣膜.

In adults with severe stenosis, the valve is often stiff and calcified, 治疗更有可能包括手术置换,要么用人造瓣膜,要么从动物身上取瓣膜, usually a pig. 另一种手术修复包括去除瓣膜下方的阻塞性组织, 哪些可以和阀门更换一起做. 研究表明外科瓣膜切开术25年生存率为95%, or about the same as the normal population.

大多数在儿童时期接受过手术治疗或球囊瓣膜成形术的患者都能正常生活. 他们通常不需要持续的抗生素治疗,但可能会推荐一些有其他并发症的人. 需要重复手术的可能性非常低,25岁时为5%. However, 建议所有患者至少由专门研究成人先天性心脏病的心脏病专家进行一次评估. At that time, an echocardiogram should be performed. Thereafter, 如果体检有变化或出现新的症状,建议每年进行一次体检,并重复进行超声心动图检查.

加州大学旧金山分校健康医学专家已经审查了这些信息. 它仅用于教育目的,并不打算取代您的十大赌博平台排行榜或其他医疗保健提供者的建议. 我们鼓励您与您的供应商讨论您可能遇到的任何问题或疑虑.

Where to get care (3)

    Support services

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    Case Management & Social Work

    Connect with a team that can help you find resources, 在UCSF治疗期间为您解决问题并为您提供支持.

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    Interpreting Services

    UCSF offers interpreters in various languages, including American Sign Language (ASL), as well as services for deaf, hard-of-hearing and visually impaired patients.


    Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Class

    这个为期八周的课程教授正念练习,可以减轻压力,改善你的整体健康, such as meditation and body awareness.

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    Patient Relations

    我们十大赌博靠谱网络平台您对您在加州大学旧金山分校健康中心的体验进行反馈. 了解如何与我们联系,提出意见、问题或疑虑.

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    代表多种信仰的牧师可以24小时提供支持, comfort and counsel to patients, families and caregivers.
