At 加州大学旧金山分校健康, we're continually working to make medical care safer and more effective. Robotic surgery is an important tool in these efforts. Surgeons who use the technique say it gives them greater precision, 控制和访问比其他方法, allowing them to tackle very delicate and complex procedures.

During robotic surgery, the surgeon sits at a console a few feet away from the patient. 使用控制台的高科技界面, the surgeon maneuvers several robotic arms, equipped with tiny cameras and surgical instruments, 要执行这个过程. The surgeon is in control the entire time.

This kind of surgery is minimally invasive, meaning it's performed via several tiny incisions. Compared with other types of minimally invasive surgery, the robotic system gives surgeons greater precision and range of motion as well as a better view of the surgical area.

UCSF's robotic surgery team says it combines the best of both worlds: It gives them the control and access of open surgery while offering patients all the benefits of minimally invasive procedures.


Robotic surgery has all the benefits of minimally invasive surgery when compared with open surgery. 这些包括:

  • 小切口
  • 更少的伤疤
  • 更少的痛苦
  • 手术后更快恢复
  • 感染风险较低

Robotic surgery makes minimally invasive procedures possible for more patients. In the past, patients who needed complex procedures had only one option: open surgery. Thanks to the flexibility and access robotic surgery allows, many of these patients can now undergo a minimally invasive procedure instead.

There's less risk that surgeons will switch to open surgery mid-procedure. Sometimes surgeons switch from minimally invasive surgery to open surgery when they encounter unexpected issues, 比如病人复杂的解剖结构. Several studies have shown that this is much less likely to happen during robotic surgery than during other types of minimally invasive surgery.

Research on the benefits of robotic surgery is ongoing. However, many surgeons who use it believe it provides better outcomes than other techniques and allows them to perform complicated procedures that wouldn't be possible otherwise.

One caveat: Robotic surgery isn't appropriate in every case. The type of procedure and the patient's age, condition and medical history may make other techniques a better choice. If you need surgery, your surgeon will discuss the best option for you.


加州大学旧金山分校健康 has built a large, state-of-the-art robotic surgery program. 我们提供:

  • 先进的技术
    加州大学旧金山分校健康 has seven Da Vinci Xi and SP surgical systems, the most sophisticated technology available.
  • Multispecialty专业知识
    Many types of specialists at UCSF are trained in robotic surgery. This means patients who need complex procedures involving more than one type of surgeon can have their entire surgery performed robotically – an option not available at many other medical centers.
  • 经验
    As with any type of surgery, experience matters. 加州大学旧金山分校的外科十大赌博平台排行榜进行了超过1次手术,每年400次机器人手术, making ours one of the busiest robotic surgery programs in the nation.


Our surgeons use robotic surgery to treat a range of health conditions across many specialties, 包括:

  • 癌症手术
  • 心脏手术
  • 胃肠(GI)手术
  • 妇科手术
  • 神经外科
  • 整形外科手术