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Echocardiogram - children


超声心动图是一种使用声波来绘制心脏图像的测试. 它用于帮助儿童诊断出生时存在的心脏缺陷(先天性)。. The picture is more detailed than a regular x-ray image. 超声心动图也不会使儿童暴露在辐射中.

Alternative Names

Transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) - children; Echocardiogram - transthoracic - children; Doppler ultrasound of the heart - children; Surface echo - children

How the Test is Performed

你孩子的医疗保健提供者可以在诊所做测试, in a hospital, or at an outpatient center. 儿童超声心动图是在儿童躺着或躺在父母腿上进行的. 这种方法可以帮助安慰他们,让他们安静下来.

对于每一项检查,都由训练有素的超声医师执行. A cardiologist interprets the results.



  • 超声医师将凝胶涂在孩子靠近胸骨的肋骨上,靠近心脏周围的区域. A hand-held instrument, called a transducer, 是压在孩子胸口的凝胶上,并指向心脏. This device releases high-frequency sound waves.
  • 换能器接收来自心脏和血管的声波回声.
  • 超声心动图机将这些脉冲转换成心脏的活动图像. Still pictures are also taken.
  • Pictures can be two-dimensional or three-dimensional.
  • The entire procedure lasts for about 20 to 40 minutes.

The test allows the provider to see the heart beating. It also shows the heart valves and other structures.

Sometimes, the lungs, ribs, 或者身体组织可能会阻止声波产生清晰的心脏图像. In this case, 超声医师可以通过静脉注射少量液体(造影剂),以便更好地看到心脏内部.


TEE是儿童可以做的另一种超声心动图. The test is done with the child lying under sedation.

  • 超声医师会麻醉孩子的喉咙后部,并将一根小管子插入孩子的食道。. 管子的末端装有一个发出声波的装置.
  • 声波被心脏的结构反射出来,在屏幕上显示为心脏和血管的图像.
  • Because the esophagus is right behind the heart, 这种方法被用来获得更清晰的心脏图像.

How to Prepare for the Test


  • 在TEE之前不要让你的孩子吃或喝任何东西.
  • 在考试前不要给孩子使用任何药膏或油.
  • 向年龄较大的孩子详细解释测试内容,让他们明白在测试过程中应该保持不动.
  • 4岁以下的儿童可能需要药物(镇静)来帮助他们保持静止,以获得更清晰的图像.
  • 给4岁以上的孩子一个玩具,或者让他们看视频,帮助他们在考试中保持冷静.

How the Test will Feel

  • 你的孩子需要脱掉腰部以上的衣服,平躺在检查台上.
  • 电极将被放置在孩子的胸部来监测心跳.
  • A gel is applied on the child's chest. It may be cold. A transducer head will be pressed over the gel. The child might feel pressure due to the transducer.
  • Younger children may feel restless during the test. 考试时,父母应尽量使孩子保持镇静.

Why the Test is Performed

This test is done to examine the function, heart valves, major blood vessels, 从体外取出儿童心脏的腔室.

  • Your child may have signs or symptoms of heart problems.
  • These may include shortness of breath, poor growth, leg swelling, heart murmur, bluish color around the lips when crying, chest pains, unexplained fever, or germs growing in a blood culture test.


The provider may recommend a TEE if:

  • The TTE is unclear. 不明确的结果可能是由于孩子的胸部形状、肺部疾病或身体脂肪过多.
  • 心脏的一个区域需要更详细地检查.

Normal Results


What Abnormal Results Mean

儿童超声心动图异常可能意味着很多事情. 有些异常表现非常轻微,不会造成重大风险. Others are signs of serious heart disease. 在这种情况下,孩子将需要由专家进行更多的检查. 与孩子的十大赌博平台排行榜讨论超声心动图的结果是非常重要的.

The echocardiogram can help detect:

  • Abnormal heart valves
  • Abnormal heart rhythms
  • Birth defects of the heart
  • Inflammation (pericarditis)或心包积液(心包积液)
  • Infection on or around the heart valves
  • High blood pressure in the blood vessels to the lungs
  • How well the heart can pump
  • Source of a blood clot after a stroke or TIA


TTE in children does not have any known risk.

TEE is an invasive procedure. There may be some risks with this test. 与您的十大赌博平台排行榜讨论与此测试相关的风险.


Campbell RM, Douglas PS, edem BW, Lai WW, Lopez L, Sachdeva R. ACC/AAP/AHA/ASE/HRS/SCAI/SCCT/SCMR/SOPE 2014儿科门诊经胸超声心动图的适当使用标准:美国心脏病学会适当使用标准工作组的报告, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Heart Association, American Society of Echocardiography, Heart Rhythm Society, 心血管血管造影与干预学会, Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography, Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, and Society of Pediatric Echocardiography. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2014;64(19):2039-2060. PMID: 25277848

Valente AM, Dorfman AL, Babu-Narayan SV, Krieger EV. Congenital heart disease in the adolescent and adult. 见:Libby P, Bonow RO, Mann DL, Tomaselli GF, Bhatt DL, Solomon SD编. 布劳恩瓦尔德心脏病:心血管医学教科书. 12th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2022:chap 82.

Wu JC, Gillam LD, Solomon SD, Bulwer B. Echocardiography. 见:Libby P, Bonow RO, Mann DL, Tomaselli GF, Bhatt DL, Solomon SD编. 布劳恩瓦尔德心脏病:心血管医学教科书. 12th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2022:chap 16.

Review Date: 02/24/2022

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